

5158 Uppsatser om Environmental inspection regulation 2011:13 - Sida 1 av 344

Miljötillsynsförordning 2011:13? vad hände sen? : En kvalitativ stud ie om miljö- ochhälsoskyddsinspektörers upplevelse avtolkningsutrymmet i miljöbalken i relation tillnärbyråkratiteorin

Miljöbalken är en svensk ramlag som syftar till att skydda människors hälsa och miljön på ett hållbart sätt, men i och med att balken är en ramlag kanden också ge upphov till tolkning. Förordningar och föreskrifter tillsätts för att tydliggöra miljöbalkens regler och minska detta tolkningsutrymme. Enyrkesverksam grupp som i sitt dagliga arbete kommer i kontakt med miljöbalken är miljö- och hälsoskyddsinspektörer. Denna kvalitativa intervjustudiesyftar till att undersöka hur inspektörers arbete och upplevelse av tolkningsutrymmet har förändrats sedan miljötillsynsförordning 2011:13 trädde ikraft, då förordningens syfte är att tydliggöra ansvarsfördelningen av kemikalietillsynen. Inspektörernas upplevelser av tolkningsutrymmet analyserasmed hjälp av Michael Lipskys teori om närbyråkrati.Studien visar på att majoriteten av miljö- och hälsoskyddsinspektörerna upplever ett tolkningsutrymme i miljöbalken, och att inspektörerna kandefinieras som närbyråkrater då de har ett stort inflytande på hur lagen implementeras.

Hur nya företag skapar konkurrensfördelar på marknaden för fordonsbesiktning

The Swedish market for vehicle inspection is re-regulated since June 2010. More than four years after the re-regulation there are eight companies in the market. Two of these companies are a result of the former monopolist's owners divided the business among themselves. The remaining six companies have entered the market through acquisitions or by building up their business from scratch, these are known as new entrants in the study. The competition has developed slowly and the former monopolist still has the highest market share.

Strukturering av besiktingsfeloch information : En undersökning av besiktningsbilagor

Inspection errors are nowadays usually written with pen and paper during building inspections. A company in Stockholm is developing a method by which inspections are made digitally from the beginning and where the inspection attachments shall be stored in a database. The idea of this method is that entrepreneurs can use the database to get an experience feedback from previous surveys so that they can improve their production processes. One problem that occurs is how inspection errors will be sorted into the database. They have to be sorted so that contractors or clients can use and sort out the information in a sensible way when they want to evaluate and make improvements in their production processes.This thesis examines how the inspection errors can be sorted in a structured manner.

Transportbranschen : Miljöanpassning utan negativa företagsekonomiska konsekvenser, är det möjligt?

This paper is about how transport companies in the future will be able to adapt their activity to an environmentally sustainable development without the effect of negative company economic consequences. Today, the environmental threat is a global problem and knowledge about that effluent of carbon dioxide have a negative impact on the climate is generally known. A transport system that works well is important for Sweden, but the sector has a negative impact on the environment. Regulation and legislation for increased environmental requirements often meets resistance and fear that the work will be hampered by increased costs for environmental work that can lead to an international decrease in competitiveness. The transport companies have outside pressure from the society to do something about the environmental issue, however the companies? customers are not ready to pay a higher price for environmental work.

Strö- och vattentilldelning hos ett urval av Halmstad kommuns svinbesättningar

This thesis is conducted together with the environmental- and health department in Halmstadcommunity. The thesis is about allowance of bedding and water supply for pig farms inHalmstad community. These farms are chosen randomly from all of the pig farms inHalmstad community. It includes inspection of 27 pig farms and writing of a report. Duringthe inspections I study the amount of bedding, what kind of bedding, water supply andinjuries like lameness, shoulder-bone sore, ear-, flank- and pig tail biting.

Korttidsregleringsmönster i Ångermanälvens avrinningsområde : Har elmarknadens avreglering påverkat regleringsintensiteten?

The effects of the deregulation of the electricity market 1996 in Sweden on short-term hydropower regulation are unknown. This report investigates patterns in subdaily regulation in the Ångerman River Basin during the period 1993-2011. Differences in subdaily flows and zero flow events between the periods 1993-1995 and 1996-2011 were studied by analyzing hourly data from 8 regulated and 8 unregulated locations with four subdaily flow variation indices. No correlations between the market deregulation and the regulation intensity in the Ångerman River basin were detected. The number of days natural ranges of variability were exceeded and the magnitude of subdaily variation were significantly higher at regulated locations.

Elevers förståelse av fotosyntesen och dess koppling till andra organismer

The effects of the deregulation of the electricity market 1996 in Sweden on short-term hydropower regulation are unknown. This report investigates patterns in subdaily regulation in the Ångerman River Basin during the period 1993-2011. Differences in subdaily flows and zero flow events between the periods 1993-1995 and 1996-2011 were studied by analyzing hourly data from 8 regulated and 8 unregulated locations with four subdaily flow variation indices. No correlations between the market deregulation and the regulation intensity in the Ångerman River basin were detected. The number of days natural ranges of variability were exceeded and the magnitude of subdaily variation were significantly higher at regulated locations.

Konditionsbesiktning av fönster - systematisering, effektivisering och dokumentation med hjälp av checklistor

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Bygghantverk, 22,5 hp, 2013.

Finansinspektionens varningssystem avseende försäkringsbolag : I teori och praktik

The financial sector includes insurance business, which is a crucial part of the infrastructure in a modern economy. There are different parts to protect within the financial sector which is the reason for a comprehensive inspection. History shows several examples of disasters a mismanaged financial sector can bring. This also affects the society and stability over all. The inspection is conducted by the Swedish inspection of finance, which ensures that the insurance companies follow the law for its practice.

Behovsbedömning av detaljplaner i Östergötlands kommuner.

In Sweden, detailed development plans (DDPs) go through a screening process to decide whether their implementation could cause significant environmental impact or not. The criteria in the legislation were studied to see if an environmental impact assessment was needed. This study also investigated 26 DDPs from 12 out of 13 of the municipalities in Östergötland and how they meet up to the demands in relevant legislation, for example the rules for Environmental Impact Assessments. Plans that concerned suburban communities and new housing were selected. The environmental issues highlighted in the plan documents were compared to selected topics from the GIS data base 'Östgötakartan' to see if the assessments made by the municipalities were reasonable judged.

Emotionsreglering och stämningsläge som faktorer för högt och lågt risktagande i beslutsprocessen

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the ways in which emotion regulation and mood affects risk taking when it comes to decision making competence. Emotion regulation is an essential part of the attachment process, the development of an autonomous self and functional stress coping systems. Research indicates that there is a relation between a distorted emotion regulation and some psychological disorders like depression, PTSD, anxiety disorders and borderline (or instable emotional personality disorder). There is a definite need to analyze the relation between emotion regulation and decision making competence since it is relatively unexplored. A digital questionnaire was distributed amongst the participants.

Fosforförluster från lantbruket och dess bidrag till övergödning av sjöar och vattendrag i Växjö kommun

The possibility for plants to utilize phosphorus in soil is a prerequisite for conducting agricultural production, both small scale and professional. Spreading of phosphorus fertilizers and manure is therefore seen as a necessity in today's agriculture in order to achieve high yield. Manure management, livestock farming and manure storage could contribute to the eutrophication of lakes and rivers. For instance, when the ground becomes saturated, phosphorus leakage could be seen in surface runoff or in point sources resulting from inadequate manure storage management.In the municipality of Växjö there is still many bodies of water that do not reach the Swedish environmental water quality standard of "good ecological status". This thesis has therefore analyzed the manure management and storage on agricultural farms which may have contributed to eutrophication in the municipality.The method for this thesis was a literature study, a questionnaire survey with 820 receivers and a summary of issued inspection reports from 2013.The results highlight the ways in which agriculture may have contributed to the eutrophication of lakes and streams in the municipality of Växjö.

Emotionsreglering och stämningsläge som faktorer för högt och lågt risktagande i beslutsprocessen

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the ways in which emotion regulation and mood affects risk taking when it comes to decision making competence. Emotion regulation is an essential part of the attachment process, the development of an autonomous self and functional stress coping systems. Research indicates that there is a relation between a distorted emotion regulation and some psychological disorders like depression, PTSD, anxiety disorders and borderline (or instable emotional personality disorder). There is a definite need to analyze the relation between emotion regulation and decision making competence since it is relatively unexplored. A digital questionnaire was distributed amongst the participants.

Strategi för utvecklande av reglerbudata

This Master Thesis discusses the development of bids for regulation power with consideration of change of discharge. The study was initiated by Vattenfall PD and is a limited part of a substantial development project at the same division. The background of the project is the new demands from SvK, which among other things includes more detailed regulation bids. As from the 1st of November 2008, the regulation bids are supposed to be calculated regarding each specific regulation object, something that is defined by SvK. These new demands changes Vattenfall?s conditions and will increase the need for detailed knowledge about available regulation power and costs for regulation.In this study a strategy for regulation bids was developed.

Besiktningar inom byggbranschen Deras kompletterande verkan

Inspections within the building industry are surrounded by a rigorous set of rules presented in AB 04 and ABT 94. There are several types of inspections but the final inspection has the biggest legal implications and is important in many aspects, since it?s the one that ends the contract time for the contract i.e. when the contract is passed on from contractor to the client. It is also a confirmation on how the contract has been carried out and that the potential guarantee times after the contract will start to apply. The objective of the following report is to find out what different types of inspections there are as well as a legal understanding about what happens before, during and above all after the final inspection.

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